E.P’s Natural Strawberry Delight Smoothie
I’m not a fan of store-bought protein powders. Many of them can cause water retention and, in my opinion, don’t digest as easily as natural sources. This can increase the likelihood of fat conversion.
Here’s just one of the many versions of a natural protein drink I’ve formulated to help both men and women build muscle while shedding fat.

The ingredients below
- 1 to 2 Stevia packets
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 cup fat-free plain yogurt
- 1/2 cup apple juice
- 1/4 cup skim milk or almond milk
- 3 cups frozen unsweetened strawberries
- 2 cups of ice cubes
Start the Blender
⇒ Combine yogurt, milk, apple juice, and vanilla and equal in blender
⇒ With the blender running, add frozen berries a few at a time.
⇒ Add ice cubes one at a time to your desired thickness
⇒ Pour into container and drink.
Makes 4 servings